Marcello Mastroianni’s secret of success

Iskra Dolina
4 min readOct 26, 2020


“I don’t act, I react”.

Everyone has a special place in the heart.

A sparklet. A guide star.

Marcello learned to feel it. And to follow it.

With this inner instrument, he could gauge:

“Here…, like that…, that’s it… Harmony.”

He was brilliant at finding the overall balance.

And at identifying his unique action for that.

Three Oscar nominations. The best European actor. The favorite actor of prominent film directors (first of all, Federico Fellini and Vittorio de Sica). The partner of legendary actresses: Sophie Lauren, Marina Vlady, Claudia Cardinale, Stefania Sandrelli, Anita Ekberg, Brigitte Bardot, Monica Vitti, Romy Schneider, Maria Shell, Anouk Aimée, Faye Danaway, Jeanne Moreau, Giulietta Masina…

The secret of life

Ida Irroles. The daughter of Moses and Malka Idelson… from Minsk. Marcello’s mother Ida didn’t tell anyone that she was Jewish. Fearing for the family. Little Marcello sensed there was something he shouldn’t know. It’s hard for Mom. But that’s the right thing to do for now. He trusted her and, in this way, helped.

When the boy came up at the right moment, snuggled up childishly, expressed his love, Ida knew: she had enough strength to move on, and it was so badly needed. Italian fascism, the Holocaust, and poverty… it was possible to withstand and not to break down only with support. Such help was absolutely necessary!

Mom did her job! Preserved the family.

And our hero acquired this penetrating gaze, the ability to figure out what he can and should do now and to trust other people.

Later, when Marcello became an actor, this skill of him to perform the only necessary action was called… mystical.

Love is in the leading role

Mastroianni turned into what the spectator wanted to see him.

The director’s dream.

He trusted and gave talents around him the possibility to fully show themselves.

To realize the intention.

That was how bright artistic tandems with the great Fellini, de Sica, Visconti, Antonioni were built…

Marcello did it with ease.

Famous actresses loved to co-star with him. Marcello was a fulcrum thanks to which they could play their part at their best.

And he seemed not to be present in the frame at all.

He canceled himself to perfectly integrate into the overall picture.

Only this way, the world-known stories could be born. The perfect works of cinematography.

It’s impossible not to love him, Marcello.
“Sunshine,” this is what his younger daughter Chiara calls her father.

The characters played by Mastroianni are light, stunningly performed.
His acting is like an imperceptible movement of air produced by the wings of a butterfly.
An impeccable sense of balance.
He revealed to us the beauty of an ordinary, commonplace person.
He thought he was very fortunate to become an actor. To be able in a world filled with problems to give love that envelops everything in kindness and tenderness.
“Ah, Marcello, Marcello! You loved people so much, were so compassionate for them, understood their difficulties so well, forgave them so many times for being weak. Using irony, you wanted to lighten the intolerable burden of spiritual demand. For them and you?… For them or you?… For yourself… or your epoch?…

The charms of his characters are irresistible, though they are often annoying, sometimes deserve contempt. You can’t help but admire them because they are inspired by love and sympathy….” B. Levit-Broun

Let’s act together!

That’s the secret:

The ability to sense how others feel. For doing the right thing for everyone.

To create harmony in the family so that everyone feels supported and confident.
Although we’re different… and have the right to be different.

To fan the fire. Of love. To keep it alive.

To find your uniqueness. And to reveal it. And to help each other in this way.

To trust, to let a person beside you fulfill him- or herself.

Everything already exists in the perfect state. And our task is ‘to play our part.’

And one more revelation from maestro Mastroianni: “With more than 170 films under my belt, I’m still avid for new experiments.”

The hunger for life, the desire to move forward. The openness to new ideas.

“What is our life? A game!” And we play politicians, doctors, dads and moms, scientists and grandparents…

How important it is to complement our common life in which we’re interconnected and dependent on each other to make it whole! To become one happy mankind.

Rely on life

“I do nothing, I’m an idler,” Marcello says about himself.

“Life itself regulates everything the way it should be. It’s just holding you in its arms.

I believe in Life, I believe in Nature.

If it’s God, I’m a believer.

If God is Nature, I am a believer.”

Originally published at



Iskra Dolina

The author has dedicated nearly three decades to the profession of lawyer. At present, she conducts training sessions and seminars on harmony in relationships.